In order to calculate the stiffening stiffness of the joint, it is assumed that the materials that make up a component are identical. Thus, for a single component, the stiffening stiffness can be calculated simply by: p=KiEst where: the strengthening stiffness of a single component of Kp; the initial joint stiffness of a single component of Ki; the strain hardening of Est steel Modulus, Est/E is called the strengthening ratio of the material, and its usual value range is between 1% and 4%, which is 2.5%.
The reinforcement stiffness of such a connection can be simply taken as 1/40 of the overall initial rotational stiffness, ie Kp=Ki/40. The bending moment relationship curve of the connection at this time is only related to the two parameters of Ki and Mp. For a specific high-strength bolt end plate connection, as long as the plastic ultimate bending force and the initial rotational stiffness are obtained, the connected bending moment relationship curve can be obtained by the given three-fold line drawing, as shown by the tri-fold line. The relationship between the bending moment and the angle can be expressed as: M=Kir(0 Calculation formula of plastic ultimate bending capacity and initial rotational stiffness Plastic limit bending capacity calculation formula The plastic ultimate bending capacity Mp is the maximum bending moment that can be transmitted when the strain is not strengthened. In the analysis of the plastic limit ultimate flexural capacity of the derivation node, the component method is adopted. The node can be considered to be composed of several connecting components, and the ultimate bending capacity of the joint depends on the strength of each component. When one or more of the following connecting components fail, the connection loses its ability to continue to carry: 1) the bolt is damaged by the tension; 2) the column web is yielded and yielded; 3) the column web is subjected to compression or compression buckling; The column Flange forms a plastic mechanism; 5) the end plate becomes a plastic mechanism. The bending moment M of the beam end can be replaced by a pair of forces Ft acting on the center of the thickness of the upper and lower flanges of the beam, which also conforms to the assumption that the bending moment is mainly assumed by the flange. The minimum value of the corresponding plastic ultimate bearing capacity Fp of each component will determine the ultimate ultimate bearing capacity of the joint Mp: Mp = Fph0 (8) where Fp = min{Fbo, Fcwc, Fcwc, Fcf, Fep}, Fbo, Fcwv, Fcwc, Fcwc, Fcf, and Fep are the limit of the joint failure of the bolt, the yielding of the column web, the yielding of the column web, the buckling of the column web, the plasticity of the column flange, and the plasticity of the end plate. Carrying capacity. Where h0 is the distance between the center of the upper and lower flange edges of the beam, h0=hb-tbf; hb is the height of the beam section; tbf is the thickness of the beam flange. The initial rotational stiffness of the calculation formula of the initial rotational stiffness refers to the stiffness when the bending moment between the initial connection and the rotation angle is linear. The initial rotational stiffness is derived using the component method, taking into account the compression stiffness of the column web (Kcwc), the shear stiffness of the column web (Kcwv), and the overall stiffness of the tensioned component (Kt), where the tensioned component consists of a column web Pull, the flange of the column is bent, the end plate is bent, and the bolt is pulled. The initial rotational stiffness is calculated by equation (9): <4>: Ki=h201Kcwc+1Kcwv+1Kt(9) where: Kcwc column web compression stiffness; Kcwv column web shear stiffness; Kt tension component Stiffness. The three-fold line type in the Chinese language can better predict the change trend of the Mr. of the high-strength bolt end plate joints, and the plastic ultimate bending capacity and initial rotational stiffness of the joint can be calculated only by the structural form and material properties of the joint. Therefore, the curve of the bending moment of the node is made, and the application is simple, and can be used for reference in the design of the relevant node.
Roll Handling Equipment,Vacuum Handling Equipment,Material Handling Equipment
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