Wi-Fi control robotics will be applied to the International Space Station in the future

According to the game information website IGN reported on January 3, due to the adoption of the new Wi-Fi boot system, people can quickly control the robot to work on the International Space Station (ISS) through Wi-Fi.

New Scientist reports on SPHERES robots that have been in service at the International Space Station since 2006. SPHERES robots can perform basic navigation tasks using ultrasonic and infrared detection techniques in a two-meter-wide, narrow space. This update enables SPHERES robots to move throughout the International Space Station to complete other basic tasks, allowing astronauts to free up time to perform more important tasks.

So far, a team of experts at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Research Center in California has been able to locate SPHERES robots using WIFI, with WIFI positioning accuracy of 1.59 meters.

The research was published in the December 2013 SSCI conference in Orlando, Florida.

Not long ago, physicist Stephen Hawking talked about the dangers of artificial intelligence robots. He believes that artificial intelligence may become a real danger in the not-too-distant future.

UL FM Fire Hydrant

  • Design standard AWWA C502
  • Norminal Pressure:250PSI
  • One pumper nozzle,4.5-4 NH thread, Two hose nozzles, 2.5-7.5 NH threads,other kinds of threads are available
  • Mechanical connecter:AWWA/ANSI C153/A21.53 6″
  • The pillar hydrant, also sometimes referred to as the dry barrel hydrant, is one of the most visible signs of fire protection measures that can be employed by firefighters. They are placed in the streets for emergency purposes, and are utilized mostly if there is a fire in the immediate vicinity. The pillar hydrant is connected to the area`s water supply, which means that at any given time, the water supply can be utilized through the dry barrel hydrant. If a fire occurs in a place with a hydrant close by, firefighters can easily connect their hose lines to the dry barrel hydrant and use the water in the extinguishing process

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SUZHOU RSF VALVE CO.,LTD , https://www.rsf-valve.com

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