Mitsubishi plug-in hybrid new technology can power home

According to recent news from the US media, Japan's Mitsubishi Motors Corporation announced that its Outlander plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) will be equipped with a V2H electric car home power supply system, and its battery storage capacity can support household power supply needs. Previously, the V2H power supply system was used only for pure electric vehicles such as i-MIEV.

It is understood that the Outlander PHEV is equipped with a 2.0-liter gasoline engine and an electric motor that can run 30 miles at a speed of 60 miles per hour and have a total mileage of 540 miles.

Mitsubishi's V2H system can be used as a 100-volt household power supply during a power outage, using 1500 watts of AC power to meet domestic demand. Only battery power can meet the average household's electricity demand for a day. If it fills up with gasoline, its total power will probably meet the electricity demand of an average family for nearly 10 days. Similarly, users can also charge the Outlander PHEV through home power.

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