When it comes to wallpapers, I believe everyone is familiar with it. Wallpaper is a commonly used wall decoration material in home improvement. Nowadays, wallpapers with rich styles, various styles, and various materials are no longer dotted, but have become an important element of fashion. The wallpaper is more convenient than the traditional wall paint, and it is also very convenient for new ones. Therefore, more and more people use the wallpaper now. So, what is the cloth wallpaper ? What are the characteristics of the cloth wallpaper? Let me answer all the questions for you.
What is Bougainville Wallpaper?
The cloth-based wallpaper is mainly cloth-based, and the cloth is mainly cotton cloth, because it is not deformed, easy to construct, and is not easy to crack in use, but also can do a variety of patterns, colors and patterns of various mechanisms, And can also imitate the texture of various natural materials, to meet the different needs of different places, different consumer groups home improvement.
Bucky Wallpaper Features
(1) Generally speaking, the decorative effect and sensory effect of the cloth base wallpaper are very good, which is unmatched by other paints and general wallpapers.
(2) The cloth base wallpaper is simple to construct, more suitable for flow construction, can speed up the construction process, ensure that it can be pasted repeatedly during construction, and will not be damaged.
(3) It is not easy to crack during the construction process and in the future, especially for paper and non-woven paper base products. After sticking to the wall, the water in the glue will gradually evaporate, and the paper will be restored to its original state, ie the wallpaper. The shrinkage occurred. Therefore, in the construction period, a few days later, there will be a crack in the wallpaper, sometimes the house will not be delivered to the owner, and the wallpaper will appear quilting.
(4) scrub resistance. Especially in the construction and the future use, it is easy to cause wallpaper pollution, as long as the water can be wiped clean.
(5) resistance to bumps. In construction and in the future, it is inevitable that wall collisions will occur; however, Buki wallpaper will not be easily damaged after a slight bump.
(6) If the second construction is to be carried out, the wall surface can be easily handled cleanly.
(7) The general formal decoration company chooses cloth as pure cotton cloth and uses natural materials, which can effectively reduce carbon emissions.
(8) Fireproof performance is good. Because the cloth base wallpaper has reached the national standard B1 level.
(9) The cloth wallpaper, whether in environmental protection or fire prevention, has reached the standard.
Editor's summary: The above is about the introduction of cloth wallpaper , in the decoration process, the choice of wallpaper is very important, in addition to the selection and decoration style with the pattern, for wallpaper quality, environmental performance and durability performance is also need to consider aspects.
Bougainvillea Wallpaper
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