Roots blower inspection and maintenance operations

First place the motor field switch in the off position and lock it to ensure the safety of the worker.

1. Visually sight the belt and find it loose. Immediately notify the parking wrench to tighten. Check and adjust the tightening coupling. Check if the tuning oil bypass time relay is working properly.

2. Use the adjustable wrench to disassemble the blower cover and check the rotator to find any stains and clean them immediately.

3. Check whether the pressure switch of the inlet port of the Roots blower is working normally. The set value should be -0.1 bar. Check that the setting air outlet pressure switch is working properly and the setting should be 1.2 bar.

4. Clean the air filter. Remove and wash the lubricating oil defogger. Clean the oil separator. Collect and store the cleaning materials to be inspected.

5. Check the machine for abnormal noise and track the source of the abnormal sound and check the repair.

6. Check and calibrate the blower exhaust safety valve to check whether the starting vent valve is working properly.

7. Clean up the appearance to make it clean and hygienic.

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