001 amino resin amino resin
Polymers obtained by the polycondensation of amino-containing compounds such as urea or melamine with aldehydes or aldehyde-forming substances.
002 amino plastic aminoplastics
Plastic based on amino resin.
003 dark bubble bubble
During the plastic molding, air bubbles or other gases left in the product form air bubble defects.
004 plate plate
Generally refers to a soft flat material with a thickness of 2 mm or more and a hard flat material with a thickness of 0.5 mm or more.
005 Folding mould
A compression mold that consists of two or more elements and is clamped by a mold sleeve.
006 translucency translucence
The object can only transmit part of visible light, but it cannot clearly observe the properties of other objects.
007 semi-spill mould semi-flash mould
Molds that allow only limited material to overflow during mold closure in compression molding.
008 semirigid plastics
Determined according to GB1040-79 "Plastic Tensile Test Method", tensile modulus of 700 to 7000 kilograms force/cm2
About 70 ~ 700 108 (Pa) between the plastic. Standard environment according to GB1039----79 "General requirements for testing methods of mechanical properties of plastics," selected.
009 Encapsulation Encapsulation
Hot plastic or thermosetting resin is applied to the part by painting, dipping, spraying, etc., and its outer surface is completely coated as a protective coating or insulating layer.
010 film film
Generally refers to flat and soft plastic products with a thickness of 0.25 mm or less.
011 Bursting strength
The maximum pressure that plastic containers, pipes, films, etc. can be continuously applied by a liquid or air during a burst test.
012 Shave lines
A large area of ​​parallel scratches or gully-like defects created on the plastic sheet material during the planing cutting operation.
013 hold time
(1) In the case of injection molding, it refers to the period of time during which the pressure is imposed on the plastic in the mold after the plastic has filled the mold cavity.
(2) During compression molding, the time when the material is pressed into the cavity and the pressure rises to a predetermined value until the pressure is relieved.
014 aniline formaldehyde resin aniline formaldehyde resim
An amino resin obtained by polycondensation of aniline and formaldehyde.
015 bulk polymerization (function) bulk polymerization, mass polymerization
In addition to adding a catalyst or initiator, polymerization of the monomer (usually a liquid) is performed without adding any other media (such as a diluent or solvent).
016 styrene resin
Polymers obtained from the polymerization of styrene or its derivatives or copolymers of styrene and other unsaturated compounds.
017 Closed-cell foamed plastics closed-cell foamed plastics
Most of the cells containing foam are not connected to each other.
018 Proportional limit proportional limit
The maximum stress the material can withstand without deviating from the direct relationship between stress and strain (Hooke's law).
019 Viscosity/density ratio, kinematic viscosity
The ratio of the absolute viscosity of the fluid to the density of the fluid is the specific viscosity.
V——specific viscosity η——absolute viscosity р——viscosity of fluid (cm·g·second units are stokes; meter·kg·second units m2/sec (=104沲)
020 closing time closing time
The time from mold closing until the mold is completely closed during molding.
021 specific strength
The ratio of the strength (general tensile strength) of the material at the break point to its density, expressed in centimeters (m 2 /sec 2 ).
022 discoloration
Changes in the color of plastic products due to light, heat, outdoor exposure, chemical reagents, etc.
023 performance density
The mass per unit volume of test material (including voids).
024 gauge gauge lehgth
In the measured strain or length variation, the original length of the sample is marked.
025 surface treatment agent
In order to improve the adhesive properties, it is used as a surface treatment substance for plastics, fillers, pigments and adhesive carriers.
026 surface resistivity
The ratio of the potential gradient parallel to the current through the surface of the material to the current per unit width of the surface, expressed in ohms.
Note: If the current is stable, the surface resistivity is numerically equivalent to the surface resistance between the two electrodes on both sides of the square material and is independent of the size of the square.
027 瘪泡(In foamed plastic)collapse(in foamed plastics)
Foam plastic in the manufacturing process due to the destruction of the cell structure of the local density increased defects.
028 C - Stage C-stage
The final stage of the curing of certain thermosetting resins in the cured melon. In this stage, the resin neither dissolves nor melts.
029 Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene resin acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene resin
ABS resin acrylonitrile - butadiene and styrene or derivatives thereof terpolymer or acrylonitrile - butadiene copolymer and butadiene - styrene copolymer blends.
030 Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene plastics acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene plastics
ABS plastics with acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene resin as base material.
031 Acrylic plastic acrylic plastics
Acrylic based plastic.
032 Acrylic resin acrylic resin
Acrylic acid or acrylic acid derivatives as a monomer or polymerized mainly with other unsaturated compounds obtained by copolymerization.
033 propylene resin propylene resin
2. A product obtained by the copolymerization of propylene or mainly acrylic acid copolymerized with one or more other unsaturated compounds.
034 Poisson's ratio
The absolute value of the ratio of the transverse strain to the corresponding longitudinal strain caused by uniformly distributed longitudinal stresses within the proportional limit of the material.
Note: When the proportional limit is exceeded, the Poisson's ratio changes with stress and is actually not a Poisson's ratio. In this case, if the Poisson's ratio is recorded, the measured stress value should be indicated. For anisotropic materials, the Poisson's ratio varies with the applied stress. The direction of change.
035 ripple waviness
Embossing irregularities appear on the surface of plastic products.
036 unsaturated polyester unsaturated polyester
Polyester containing unsaturated bonds in the main chain.
037 does not overflow mold positive mould
A mold that does not overflow from the molding compound in compression molding.
038 laminated laminating
With or without a binder, by heating, pressurizing two or more layers of the same or different materials as a whole method.
039 Multi-daylight press
A press with a floating platen between the moving platen and the stationary platen means a press with three or more hot platens.
040 Laminated moulding products
The fabrics cut into a certain shape and impregnated with a resin are laminated to a desired thickness and put into molds to form molded plastic products.
041 laminated laminates
Two or more layers of resin fabrics impregnated with resin are laminated together to form an integral plastic product.
042 Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA)
A method for the analysis of a substance. When the sample and the reference substance are controlled by the same procedure, the temperature difference between the recorded sample and the reference substance is analyzed over time or analytically.
043 Blends polyblends
A homogeneous mixture of two or more polymers.
044 L/D ratio (length/diameter ratio)
The ratio of the effective screw length (L) to the screw diameter (D).
045 Common base unit conventional base unit
The basic unit of a polymer that has nothing to do with stereoisomerism.
046 Ultrasonic welding
Thermoplastic under ultrasonic vibration, due to friction between the surface of the heat generated by two pieces of plastic welded together welding method.
047 hole core-pin
The hard steel pin embedded in the mold cavity has the function of forming holes or threaded holes in the product.
048 Impact stength
(1) The maximum capacity of the material to withstand the impact load.
(2) The ratio of the work consumed in the failure of the material to the cross-sectional area of ​​the specimen under impact load is expressed in kilograms·cm/cm 2 (Newton·m/m 2 ).
049 Punching punching
One of the plastic molding processing methods is the process of punching plastic sheets into products with punches and precision molds.
050 storage life, shelf life
The longest period of availability of materials (monomers, resins, coatings, adhesives, etc.) that can be changed under certain conditions.
051 hopper accumulator
Used for rapid feeding and/or processing aided plunger extruders in hollow blow molding.
052 Accumulator accumulator
Equipment used to increase speed in hydraulic or pneumatic systems of plastic forming equipment.
053 transfer moulding
A molding method of a thermosetting plastic, which first heats and softens the molding material in a heating chamber during molding, and then presses it into a mold cavity that has been heated to cure it.
054 Transfer Model Mould.Transfer mould
Mold used in transfer molding.
055 pressure pad pressure pad
When the mold is closed, an attachment designed to reduce the pressure on the mold clamping surface. Also known as the pressure pad.
Note: Pressure transmission pads are usually made of hard steel blocks to withstand part of the clamping surface pressure. Not recommended, pressure pads.
056 (Parison) draw deaw-wown
During the blow molding process, the extruded parison droops due to the strategy, so that the diameter and wall thickness become insignificant.
057 Blown Film Process inflation film process
A method of forming a thermoplastic plastic film is to squeeze the plastic into a tube first by extrusion, and then to continuously expand the tube to a certain size by means of air blown into the tube.
058 Blowing pressure bolw pressure
Air blowing into the parison during blow molding.
059 Blow-up ratio
(1) The ratio of the maximum transverse diameter of the blow mold cavity to the outer diameter of the tubular parison during blow molding.
(2) The ratio of the diameter of the blown tube film to the diameter of the die when the film is blown.
060 blowing speed
When the parison is blown with compressed air, the pressure inside the hollow product reaches the specified time.
061 Accelerator'promoter
When used in combination with a catalyst or fixative, a less amount of material can be used to increase the reaction rate.
062 Cellulose acetate, a cellulose ester made from a mixture of acetic acid and *** with a cellulose.
Note: Cellulose acetate, which is commonly used for making plastics, is a partially acetylated product containing 52 to 56% acetyl groups.
063 brittle temperature
A measure of the mechanical behavior of plastics at low temperatures. When the test is performed with a hammer impact with a certain energy, the temperature at which the cracking probability of the specimen reaches 50% is called embrittlement temperature.
064 bag moulding
Isobaric molding (when processing PTFE, etc.)
Istactic moulding
The elastic bag (or other elastic membrane) receives the fluid pressure to uniformly compress the reinforced plastic between the rigid die and the elastic bag and become a method of manufacturing the article. Pressure bag molding, vacuum bag molding and autoclave molding.
065 single cavity mould single cavity mould
Only one cavity mold.
066 monomer monomer
A simple compound that polymerizes or copolymerizes with other similar compounds to form a polymer.
067 Thermal conductivity
The rate of heat transfer per unit area per unit of temperature gradient perpendicular to the unit area under steady conditions. The unit is card/cm·sec·degree [or watts/meter·on]
068 isotactic polymer isotactic polymer
In a regular polymer, the asymmetric atoms (usually the carbon atoms) on the main chain segments have the same configuration of polymers.
Note: If the main chain is stretched so that the carbon atoms of the main chain are arranged in the plane, the same kind of substituents are arranged on the same side of the main plane.
069 oligomer oligomer
Polymers composed of a few links, such as dimers, trimers, tetramers, or mixtures of these oligomers.
Note: It can also refer to a polymer with a molecular weight of several thousand or less.
070 Low temperature fiexibility
Thermoplastics retain their soft properties at low temperatures. As the temperature decreases, the plastic softness gradually decreases and finally becomes brittle at a temperature. This characteristic is usually used as the apparent elasticity calculated in the torsion test over a wide temperature range. Modulus expression.
071 Low pressure moulding
Using pressure equal to or less than 14 kgf/cm2, about 1.4 x 106 [Pascal] moulding or laminating method.
072 stacking time close assembly time
The time between the application of the glued surface and the pressurization.
073 ejector ejector pin
A movable rod that can eject the molded part out of the cavity during mold release.
074 constant volume feeding volumetric feed
In the molding process, according to the fixed volume feeding method.
075 positioning pins dowel
In the mold composed of two or more parts, the pins designed to accurately position the two adjacent parts of the mold are recommended: guide posts
076 dowel hole
Holes for inserting positioning pins designed to accurately position two adjacent parts of the mold, also known as guide posts.
Not recommended: guide post hole
077 positioning pin dowel bush
Hardened steel nesting with reinforced pin holes.
Not recommended: guide sleeve
078 Directional Polymerization (Function) stereospecific polymer ization
Polymerization to form a regular polymer Note: Some of the monomers that can undergo directional polymerization, in the presence of a directional polymerization catalyst, (such as Ziegler, Natta catalyst), polymerization to produce a regular polymer.
079 sizing system
In the extrusion process, when the extrudate has not been completely cooled, it is used as a means for further adjusting the shape and size of the extruded product and allowing it to be cooled.
080 fixed platen stationary platen
In the press machine, injection molding machine and other mold clamping mechanism do not open and close the movement of the template. In the injection molding machine to install a fixed mold template.
081 Weighted feeding weight feed
In the molding process, the method of feeding by fixed weight.
Note: Compared with constant volume feeding, the feeding accuracy of the fixed weight feeding is high, but the feeder configuration is more complicated.
082 dynamic test dynamic test
(1) Destructive tests that apply load rates or deformation rates over time, such as fatigue tests, impact tests, product dynamic simulation tests, etc.
(2) Nondestructive testing of material properties using periodic stress or deformation.
083 dynamic pressure platen
In the press machine, injection molding machine mold clamping mechanism, do the opening and closing motion of the loading template. The plate with the hydraulic piston or linkage mechanism to move the mold movement.
084 logarithmic viscosity number
In the formula: η——viscosity of polymer solution ηо——viscosity of pure solvent
D - Concentration of polymer solution, expressed in g/ml.
Not recommended: Inherent visco sity.
085 multi gate multi-gating
In injection and transfer molding dies, one cavity has more than one gate.
086 multi-cavity mould, com posite mould
Mold with two or more mold cavities.
087 starving material starving
In the extrusion, due to the material inside the hopper stuffing, etc., the material can not be fully supplied due to lack of material phenomenon.
088 Overmolding forming
A type of plastic molding process. A method of using plastic profiles as raw materials to heat and pressurize them into desired products.
089 secondary processing fabricating
Shaped plastic products or profiles, as required reprocessing, for example, machining, welding, modification, etc.
090 Foaming foaming
The process of making a plastic porous structure.
091 foaming agent
In the manufacture of foam plastics, plastics produce microporous structures.
092 Breathing breathing
In the initial stage of molding, the mold is opened and closed instantaneously so that moisture, air, and/or moisture generated during aging can be released from the heated molding compound.
093 Non-destructive test
Tests conducted without damaging the material, such as X-ray analysis, ultrasonic testing, photoelastic orientation and internal stress, etc.
094 Delamination delamination
Laminate separation between layers.
095 phenol-formaldehyde resin phenol formaldehyde resin
A phenolic resin obtained by polycondensation of phenol and formaldehyde.
096 runner runner
In a multi-cavity mold for injection or transfer molding, a section of the flow path between the main flow path and the gate is connected.
097 Shuttle Spreader Torpedo Torpedo
A streamlined metal block in the barrel or die of an extruder or injection molding machine. Its role is to force the flowing melt to disperse into a thin layer and enhance the heat transfer effect, thereby improving the plasticizing ability. Fashion refers to the screw's smooth mixing head.
098 Phenolic resin phenolic resin
Polymer obtained by polycondensation of phenols and aldehydes (or ketones).
Note: The commonly used phenolic resins are phenol formaldehyde resin, cresol formaldehyde resin, xylenol formaldehyde resin and phenolic furfural resin.
099 phenolic plastics
Plastics based on phenolic resin.
100 Dispersion polymerization (action)
A polymerization carried out in a dispersion system.
Note: The dispersion of the monomer is performed by a relatively high concentration of dispersant and mechanical stirring. The polymerization finished dispersion is sometimes used directly as an adhesive, coating, etc.
101 Dispersion ispersion
One or more finely dispersed substances are uniformly distributed in another substance to form a stable heterogeneous phase.
102 molecular weight
The sum of the atomic weights in the molecule.
Note: Polymer is a mixture of different molecular weight homologues, the molecular weight of which must be expressed as a statistical average molecular weight.
103 molecular weight distribution
The relative amounts of different molecular weight polymers in the composition polymer.
Note: This relative amount is distributed by a certain probability function, usually expressed as a molecular weight distribution curve.
104 Floating platen floating platen
Between the dynamic pressure plate and the fixed pressure plate of the laminator, one or more driven plates are provided.
105 composite composite
A solid material consisting of two or more different physical phases.
106 furan resin furan resin
The main chain of furan ring-based polymers.
107 furan plastics furan plastics
Plastic with furan resin as base material.
108 Radiation polymerization (action) radiation polymerization
A polymerization initiated by a radiation (eg, γ-ray, β-ray, α-ray).
109 Fluoroplastic fluoroplastics
The polymer obtained by self-polymerization of fluorine-bearing monomers or copolymerized with other fluorine-free unsaturated monomers is a plastic material for the substrate.
110 Modified tree refers to a synthetic resin modified with modifiers in order to change the processing properties or physical properties of the tree fingers.
111 dry spot enhanced plastic defect, refers to the reinforcement of the local area of ​​the material or is not impregnated with resin caused by the surface film incomplete marks.
112 Dry-mixed process of producing a loose, dry mixture of a resin (usually polyvinyl chloride) and a plasticizer without the use of a solvent and with the aid of agitation at a temperature lower than the resin softening temperature.
113 A loose mix of dry blends without melting or addition of solvents.
114 Macromolecules Macromolecules are composed of one or more chain segments and have a large molecular weight (molecular weights generally range from a few thousand to several million). Polymers are both natural and synthetic polymers.
115 High-frequency welding of plastic parts in the high-frequency electromagnetic field caused by dielectric loss and heating, so that the joint fusion bonding a welding method.
116 Press molding or lamination using high pressure molding with a pressure of more than 14 kg/cm2, approximately 1.4 x 106 [Pascals].
117 Copolymerization (function)
Polymerization between two or more monomers or monomers and polymers.
118 Copolymers made from co-polymers. Divided block copolymers, graft copolymers, random copolymers, regular copolymers, etc.
119 Power Factor The measure of dielectric power loss in a capacitor, that is, the ratio of the effective power to the apparent power. It is expressed in the following four ways:
(1) The ratio of the power (in watts) consumed by the dielectric in the capacitor to the effective power;
(2) The cosine of the phase angle φ between the current and voltage vectors;
(3) The sine of the loss angle δ (ie, the complementary angle of the phase angle = 900 - φ);
(4) When the loss angle δ is sufficiently small, tan δ ≈ sin δ, this can be represented by the tangent of the loss angle δ.
120 functional monomer can carry out the number of functional groups of the polymeric melon.
Note: The unsaturated double bond has a functionality of 2
121 The light-stable plastic material resists fading, blackening or degrading under sunlight or ultraviolet radiation.
122 Optical distortions When viewed through the material or from the surface of the material in the opposite direction, the geometry of the observed object changes.
The ability of a shiny object to reflect light on a surface when illuminated by light, expressed as a percentage (gloss) of the amount of light reflected by the sample in the normal reflection direction relative to the standard surface.
124 In the process of roll-opening, rolling, rolling, and other materials stacked between the two rolls.
125 Over-aging In the curing process of thermosetting resins or plastics, due to the long time and (or) temperature is too high due to the performance caused by the phenomenon of decline.
126 Filter Extruder The former is supported by a sieve plate, which is used to filter the melt stream and increase the flow resistance, so as to filter out mechanical impurities and improve the effect of mixing or plasticizing.
127 Welding uses heat and pressure or other methods to fuse two or more surfaces of a thermoplastic article into a unitary body.
128 Mold clamping force Force applied to the mold in order to keep the mold closed during molding.
Note: The hydraulic clamping force is the same as the clamping force. When the shaft is added, the two are different. The force of the top mold of the shaft is called the clamping force, and the hydraulic pressure is the clamping force. The term plastic machinery is different, the process is not Minute.
129 post-molding thermosetting plastics that are not fully cured under the heat and pressure after the stereotyped.
130 After the curing of thermosetting resin molding, by placing or heating to make it fully mature a process.
131 A method of press-forming high-precision dimensional accuracy of PTFE and other products, the process of which is to put the freshly-sintered molded part on the fixed mold under the condition of pressure keeping and cooling to room temperature.
Not recommended: stereotypes
132 Paste extrusion Paste PTFE with additives into a paste, then squeeze (push) by a plunger and dry it to obtain the desired product. This method is often used to make coated wire, small Diameter of tubes, bars and strips.
133 Chemical foam plastics Foams formed by the thermal decomposition or chemical reaction of special chemical blowing agents to fill the plastic melt with foam.
134 A cyclofluorinated resin containing two or more epoxy groups capable of cross-linking a class of resins.
135 Epoxy plastic based on epoxy resin.
136 Yellow index is a standard that represents the shade of yellow of a magenta standard white plate under a standard light source and is calculated from the reflectance (or transmittance) of the sample to red, green and blue light.
137 Return rods are forcibly ejected when the mold is closed.
138 return hydraulic piston to return the main piston of the hydraulic machine to its initial position or to reset the stripping device.
The remaining inorganic residue of 139 ash material after burning is expressed as a percentage.
140 Flame treatment uses a strong oxidizing flame to oxidize the plastic surface.
Note: Mainly used to improve the printing properties and adhesive properties of polyolefin plastics.
141 Flame spraying A method of actually spraying a fluidized resin powder by melting it through a conical flame of the nozzle.
142 Mixer Machine for uniform mixing of resin and other additives.
143 Mixtures Mixtures of one or more polymers with other components such as fillers, plasticizers, catalysts, and colorants.
144 The smallest repeating unit that a basic unit polymer molecular chain may have.
Note: The basic unit of the polymer is the same and different from the chain link. For example, the basic unit of polyethylene is CH2, while the chain link is CH2, CH2.
145 Extrusion in the extruder through the heating, pressure, so that the material in a flowing state through the mouth molding method.
146 Extrusion output The maximum amount of material extruded by the extruder per unit of time, usually expressed in kilograms per hour.
147 Extrusion machine used for extrusion molding. It consists of extrusion device, transmission mechanism and heating and cooling system.
148 Extrusion rate Unit weight (kg/h) or length (m/min) extruded from extruder die per unit time
149 Breakdown voltage Under certain conditions, the voltage required to cause insulation breakdown of insulation material.
150 Pultrusion Forming a continuous resin-impregnated fiber through a die and pulling it into a maturation process for reinforcing plastic products.
151 head nose is the forming part of the extruder, mainly including the neck, screen plate, filter, splitter, die and so on.
152 mechanical foam plastic by mechanical stirring method to mix gas into the mixture to form foam cells.
153 A-stage The early stages of the preparation of certain thermosetting resins. In this stage, the resin melts and is soluble in certain solvents (eg, ethanol, **, etc.).
154 Addition (function)
A chemical reaction that produces a polymer from a monomer. There is no release of water or other low molecular weight by-products in the reaction, and the resulting polymer has the same elemental composition as the original monomer.
155 Addition Polymers Polymers Made from Addition Polymers
156 Feeding refers to the operation of adding the material to the appropriate part of the molding equipment (hopper, feed chamber into the mold cavity).
157. A multi-slot constant volume feeding device used when a feeding plate is pressed in a multi-cavity mold. The device is composed of a multi-cell plate with a live bottom. When the traverse bottom is activated, the molding material can fall into each cavity at the same time.
158 feeding system (in the mold)
The path from the injection molding machine nozzle or transfer molding chamber to the mold gate.
Not recommended: feed system.
One of 159 syndiotactic polymers, one of which is a regular polymer. The two configurations of the asymmetric atoms (usually the carbon atoms) in the backbone chain are arranged in an alternating manner.
Note: If the main chain is stretched such that the carbon atoms of the main chain are arranged in the main plane, the same kind of substituents are alternately arranged on both sides of the main plane.
160 Shear Strength The maximum stress at which a material breaks under shear stress is expressed in kilograms/cm 2 [Pa].
161 Shear stress acts on the tangential stress or stress component of a given plane.
162 Degradation of macromolecular chain breaks or adverse changes in chemical structure caused by weather, heat, light, oxygen, radiation, etc.
163 Reduced speed mold closing operation to reduce the mold closing speed when the mold is about to close.
164 Adhesives for bonding use the same or different solid surfaces as a solid, unitary method.
165 gates (injection and transfer molds)
In injection molding and transfer molding molds, narrow channels through which the molten material passes from the runner into the mold cavity.
166 Chemical Bonding between Main Chains of Crosslinked Linear Polymers.
167 Crosslinking agent that allows the polymer to form chemical bonds between the molecular backbones.
168 cross-linked polymer produced by cross-linking polymers.
169 Cross-laminate panels are laminated vertically and horizontally between the layers according to the texture or the direction of maximum tension.
170 Casting Liquid resin that is poured into a mold and can be hardened to a certain product without being pressurized or slightly pressurized.
172 Contact-forming methods for the manufacture of reinforced plastic products without pressure or with slight pressure (usually less than 0.7 kgf/cm2, 70 x 103 [Pascals]).
173 (relative) dielectric constant The ratio of the dielectric capacity of an insulating material to a dielectric of the same size using vacuum as the medium.
Note: At normal atmospheric pressure, the relative permittivity of air is equal to 1.00053. Therefore, actually using air as the dielectric capacitance can be used as a reference for determining the relative permittivity, and can achieve sufficient accuracy.
174 Measure of dielectric strength material resistance to electrical breakdown. Expressed as the ratio of sample breakdown voltage to sample thickness. Units are kV/mm [V/m]
175 Dielectric Loss The energy loss of a dielectric placed in an alternating electric field in the form of internal heating (temperature rise).
176 dielectric loss angle sine The tangent of the angle δ between the applied voltage and the current at the same frequency when the sine wave is applied to the dielectric.
Tan δ.
177 When the material is fed to the knot, the material is jammed, tangled or melted, and it constitutes a phenomenon that hinders the smooth arching.
178 Interfacial polymerization (function)
Monomer polymerization occurs at the two-phase interface.
179 Interface condensation (function)
The condensation of two monomers at the interface of the immiscible liquid phase (usually the aqueous and organic phases).
180 Graft copolymer A copolymer of polymer chain segments with a different chemical structure from that of the main chain.
181 Method of impregnating resin into the interior of porous materials (textiles, paper, wood, etc.).
Note: The coating and coating are different from the impregnation. In addition to forming the outer protective layer, only a small amount or no resin penetrates into the interior of the material.
182 necking under tensile stress, the material may occur in the local section reduction phenomenon.
183 Static test loads or tests where the rate of deformation changes slowly over time, such as tensile tests, bending tests, compression tests, etc.
184 polyurethane backbone chain containing **** ester-based polymers.
Note: It is usually a polymer obtained by the addition of a diamine or a dihydric alcohol with two (or more) isocyanates.
185 Polystyrene is made of styrene as a monomer.
186 Polystyrene plastic with polystyrene as base material.
187 Polypropylene made from propylene as a monomer.
188 Polypropylene plastic with polypropylene as base material.
189 Polyacrylate plastics based on acrylic resin.
190 Polyacrylate resin is polymerized with acrylate as monomer or copolymerized with other unsaturated compounds.
191 polyvinyl acetate is a polymer made from vinyl acetate (vinyl acetate) as a monomer.
192 Polybutene Butene-1, butene-2, or isobutylene monomer or a mixture thereof as a monomer for polymerization or copolymerization of the polymer obtained.
193 Polybutylene plastics Polybutylene based plastics.
194 poly(butylene terephthalate) terephthalic acid (also with the corresponding anhydride or ester) and butanediol 1,4-polycondensation (or transesterification) prepared polymer.
195 polyethylene terephthalate (alcohol) ester made of terephthalic acid (or anhydride or ester) and ethylene glycol polycondensation (or transesterification) polymer.
196 Polymerization (function)
Polymer reaction
197 Degree of polymerization The number of chain segments that make up the polymer molecule.
Note: The degree of polymerization can be used as a measure of the molecular weight of a polymer. There are also the number of basic units that make up a polymer molecule as the degree of polymerization.
198 Polymers Compounds with repeating segments produced by polymerization.
199 Polymethyl methacrylate made from methyl methacrylate as a monomer.
200 poly methyl methacrylate plastic with polymethyl methacrylate as the base plastic.
201 Polyoxymethylene main chain segments are polymers of oxymethylene (-CH2O-).
Note: In terms of structure, polyoxymethylene should be the simplest kind of polyether. Commonly referred to as polyoxymethylene are homopolymers and copolymers. Formed by formaldehyde alone or by ring-opening polymerization of trioxymethylene. What is obtained is the homopolyformaldehyde. It is copolymerization formaldehyde that is produced by copolymerization of trioxymethylene mainly with a small amount of ethylene oxide and other cyclic ethers.
202 POM plastic plastic with polyoxymethylene as base material.
203 Polyvinyl chloride polymer made from vinyl chloride monomer.
204 Polyvinyl chloride plastics with PVC as base material.
205 Polyether backbones contain polymers containing ether bonds in addition to carbon-carbon bonds.
Note: Polyethers are usually polymers containing hydroxyl end groups.
206 orange peel plastic products appear as uneven surface roughness as orange peel.
207 Polyvinylidene chloride polymer obtained by polymerization of vinylidene chloride (1,1 dichloroethylene) as a monomer.
208 Polytetrafluoroethylene polymer obtained by polymerizing tetrafluoroethylene as a monomer.
209 Teflon plastic with PTFE as base material.
210 Polycarbonate backbone chain containing carbonate-based polymer Note: Usually made from the transesterification of bisphenol A or its derivatives and ** direct condensation or gas derivatives.
211 Polycarbonate Plastic polycarbonate-based plastic.
212 Polyolefins obtained by the polymerization or copolymerization of one or several olefins.
213 Polyolefin plastics Polyplastic hydrocarbons for plastics.
214 polyamide nylon
The backbone chain contains amide (-CONH-) polymers.
Note: Polycondensation of dibasic acid and diamine, lactam ring-opening polymerization or amino acid polycondensation and other methods.
215 Polyamide plastics Polyamide based plastics.
216 Polyethylene is obtained by polymerizing ethylene as a monomer.
217 Polyvinyl alcohol is a partially or completely hydrolyzed polymer of polyvinyl esters (usually polyvinyl acetate).
218 polyvinyl acetal polyvinyl alcohol hydroxyl and butyraldehyde condensation polymer obtained.
219 polyvinyl acetal obtained by the condensation of the hydroxyl group of polyvinyl alcohol polyvinyl alcohol with formaldehyde.
220 Polyvinyl acetal
(1) Polycondensates of polyvinyl alcohol with aldehydes to produce polymers;
(2) Generally refers to the polyvinyl acetal obtained by reacting polyvinyl alcohol with acetaldehyde.
221 polyethylene plastic with polyethylene as the base material.
222 polyester backbone chain containing ester-based polymers can be divided into saturated polyester and unsaturated polyester two major categories.
Note: Usually a polymer country made by the condensation of one or more polyacids (anhydrides) with one or more polyols.
223 Polyester plastic with polyester as base material.
224 Winding device Winding the finished product (such as film, tape, monofilament, hose, coated wire, etc.) made by extrusion or calendering.
225 Rolled laminate tube impregnated with resin reinforced material, under the action of pulling force, wound around the mandrel between two hot-pressing rolls, and after curing and drawing out the mandrel, the obtained tubular product.
226 An extrusion method in which the adiabatic extrusion has no heat exchange with the outside world.
227 Insulation resistance refers to the resistance of insulating material.
Note: The test material is placed in the standard electrode, after a given time, the ratio of the voltage applied across the electrode and the total current between the two electrodes is the insulation resistance.
228 homopolymerization (function)
Homopolymer polymerization
229 Homopolymers are polymers consisting of a chain of repeats.
The majority of the cells contained in the 230 open cell foam are interconnected foams.
231 Cracks on the surface or inside of a cracked product due to internal stress, external impact, or environmental conditions.
232 Opening force In order to take out the product, the force required by the molding machine to open the mold
233 Electrostatic agent can prevent or eliminate static electricity on the plastic surface.
Not recommended: antistatic agent
234 Anti-mold plastic resistance to mold.
235 Anti-blocking agent An agent that prevents adhesion between plastic films.
236 Furfural resin made from furfural and other compounds.
237 Antioxidants can prevent degradation of polymer materials due to oxidation.
Not recommended: Oxidation inhibitor
238 Replaceable cavity dies Moulds of different shapes can be produced by replacing a part of the molded part.
239 Gap (in foam)
There are many more void defects than foams in the foam.
240 (Injection Molding Machine) Air Cycle Time The minimum operating time required for the injection molding machine to idle for one cycle without feeding.
241 die (in extrusion)
Extruder to form the extrudate in a predetermined cross-sectional shape.
242 The pressure generated by the molten material on the inner surface of the die during pressure extrusion in the die.
243 Tensile strength In the tensile test, the maximum tensile stress that the specimen undergoes until it is broken. The result is expressed in kilograms/cm 2 [Pa]. The area used in the calculation is the original cross-sectional area of ​​the specimen at the fracture. .
Not recommended: tensile strength tensile strength
244 The performance of aging plastics deteriorates over time when exposed to natural or artificial environmental conditions.
245 Cold Roll Extrusion The method of film production by guiding the extruded film to a chill roll to cool it and improve gloss.
246 cold-runner mould cold-runner mould
247 Cooling mold A jig used for cooling in order to control the size and shape of special parts.
Not recommended: Shrinkage block or Shrinkage jig
248 Cold and heat shock test to examine the change of material properties caused by rapid quenching.
249 冷压模塑是压缩模塑的一ç§.和普通压缩模塑ä¸åŒçš„æ˜¯åœ¨å¸¸æ¸©ä¸‹ä½¿ç‰©æ–™åŠ åŽ‹æ¨¡å¡‘.脱模åŽçš„模塑å“å¯å†è¡ŒåŠ çƒæˆ–借助化å¦ä½œç”¨ä½¿å…¶ç†ŸåŒ–.
250 粒料一ç§é¢„测的密实的çƒå½¢,圆柱形或其他形状的颗粒状模塑料.
251 离模膨胀在挤出过程ä¸,挤出物离开模åŽ,其横截é¢å°ºå¯¸å› 弹性回å¤è€Œå¤§äºŽå£æ¨¡å°ºå¯¸çš„现象.
252 立体é‡å¤é“¾èŠ‚在èšåˆç‰©åˆ†å主链ä¸æ‰€æœ‰ç«‹ä½“异构的ä½ç½®ä¸Šéƒ½å…·æœ‰å›ºå®šæž„åž‹çš„æž„åž‹é‡å¤é“¾èŠ‚.
253 离心浇铸利用离心力æˆåž‹ç®¡çŠ¶æˆ–空心ç’状制å“的方法.将定é‡çš„液æ€æ ‘è„‚æˆ–æ ‘è„‚åˆ†æ•£ä½“æ”¾åœ¨æ—‹è½¬çš„(å³æ¨¡å…·)ä¸,使其绕å•è½´é«˜é€Ÿæ—‹è½¬.æ¤æ—¶æ”¾å…¥çš„物料å³è¢«ç¦»å¿ƒåŠ›è¿«ä½¿è€Œåˆ†å¸ƒåœ¨æ¨¡å…·çš„è¿‘å£éƒ¨ä½.在旋转的åŒæ—¶,放入的物料åˆé€šè¿‡åŠ çƒç‰æ–¹é¢è€Œå‘生熟化,éšåŽè§†éœ€è¦ç»è¿‡å†·å´æˆ–ä¸å†·å´å³èƒ½å–得制å“.在æˆåž‹å¢žå¼ºå¡‘料制å“时还å¯åŒæ—¶åŠ 入增强性的填料.
254 离ååž‹èšåˆ(作用)
一般在离å引å‘剂作用下,按离ååž‹å应历程进行的èšåˆ.æ ¹æ®ç¦»å电è·çš„ä¸åŒåˆ†æœ‰é˜³ç¦»åèšåˆå’Œé˜´ç¦»åèšåˆä¸¤ç§
255 离å引å‘剂能引å‘å•ä½“分å生æˆæ£ç¦»å基团或负离å基团进行èšåˆå应的物质.
256 料斗安装在æˆåž‹æœºä¸Šä¾›æ–™ç”¨çš„æ¼æ–—形容器.
257 链长èšåˆç‰©åˆ†å主链的实长.
258 è¿žæ†å¼åˆ(é”)模装置时节å¼åˆæ¨¡è£…ç½®æˆåž‹æœºä¸ç”¨æ¥å®Œæˆå¼€,é—æ¨¡åŠ¨ä½œçš„å’Œå¯¹æ¨¡å…·æ–½åŠ åŽ‹åŠ›çš„ä¸€ç§æœºæ¢°è£…ç½®.该装置是由肘å¼æŽ¥åˆè¿žæ†æž„æˆçš„,一般å‡ç”±æ²¹åŽ‹é©±åŠ¨.
259 链节èšåˆç‰©åˆ†å链上,å«ä¸ŽçœŸå®žå•ä½“或å‡æƒ³å•ä½“相åŒåŽŸåç§ç±»å’ŒåŽŸå数目的é‡å¤å•å…ƒ.
260 亮点有色或ä¸é€æ˜Žçš„çƒå¡‘料片æ,薄膜或模制å“上所å«æ²¡æœ‰å®Œå…¨å¡‘化的粒点,å½“å…¶åœ¨å¯¹å…‰è§‚å¯Ÿå¯¹å‘ˆçŽ°ä¸ºæ— è‰²çš„é€æ˜Žæ–‘点.
261 æµå»¶åˆ¶å–薄膜的一ç§æ–¹æ³•.åˆ¶é€ æ—¶,先将液æ€æ ‘è„‚,æ ‘è„‚æº¶æ¶²æˆ–åˆ†æ•£ä½“æµå¸ƒåœ¨åŠ¨è¡Œçš„载体(一般为金属带)上,éšåŽç”¨é€‚当方法将其熟化,最åŽå³å¯ä»Žè½½ä½“上剥å–薄膜.
263è •æ†æŒ‡è£…在挤出机或注塑机机ç’内å¯ä»¥è½¬åŠ¨ä¸”å¸¦æœ‰è •æ§½çš„é‡‘å±žæ†.它与机ç’å…±åŒç»„æˆæŒ¤åŽ‹éƒ¨ä»¶.其主è¦åŠŸèƒ½æ˜¯:完æˆå¯¹ç‰©æ–™çš„压缩,输é€,混炼åŠå¡‘化ç‰.
264è •æ†æŒ¤å‡ºå€ŸåŠ©äºŽè •æ†æ—‹è½¬å¯¹ç‰©æ–™äº§ç”Ÿçš„压力将其挤出å£æ¨¡çš„挤出方法.
267露ä¸å¢žå¼ºå¡‘料的一ç§ç¼ºé™·,指制å“表é¢æœªè¢«æ ‘脂覆盖的纤维.
268æ°¯ä¹™çƒ¯æ ‘è„‚ä»¥æ°¯ä¹™çƒ¯èšåˆæˆ–氯乙烯为主与一ç§æˆ–多ç§å…¶ä»–ä¸é¥±å’ŒåŒ–åˆç‰©å…±èšåˆ¶å¾—çš„èšåˆç‰©.
270.马ä¸è€çƒè¯•éªŒè¯„ä»·æ料高温å˜å½¢è¶‹åŠ¿çš„一ç§è¯•éªŒæ–¹æ³•.åœ¨åŠ çƒç‚‰å†…,ä½¿è¯•æ ·æ‰¿å—一定的弯曲应力并按一定速率å‡æ¸©.è¯•æ ·å—çƒè‡ªç”±ç«¯äº§ç”Ÿè§„定åæ–œé‡çš„温度称为马ä¸æ¸©åº¦.
271.脉冲焊接把è¦ç„ŠæŽ¥çš„å¡‘æ–™æ¿æˆ–è–„è†œåŽ‹åœ¨ä¸¤ä¸ªåŠ çƒå…ƒä»¶é—´,通入强电æµä½¿å‘çƒä½“在æžçŸæ—¶é—´å†…产生强çƒèƒ½çš„脉冲,éšä¹‹å†ç»™ä»¥å†·å´,æ¤æ—¶ç„ŠæŽ¥é¢å³åœ¨åŠ çƒåŠ 压下熔åˆ.
274.磨耗两个彼æ¤æŽ¥è§¦çš„固体磨擦作用而使æ料表é¢é€ æˆæŸè€—.
注:磨耗å¯åˆ†ä¸ºæ»‘动磨耗,滚动磨耗和冲击磨耗ç‰å‡ ç±».
275 模具æˆåž‹ä¸èµ‹äºˆå¡‘料形状所用部件的组åˆä½“.
277 模腔模具ä¸æˆåž‹å¡‘料制å“的空间.
278.模塑塑料æˆåž‹åŠ 工的一ç§,在压力下(一般还åŒæ—¶åŠ çƒ),借助模具或å£æ¨¡ä½¿å¡‘æ–™ææ–™æˆåž‹çš„过程
279.æ¨¡å¡‘æ–™ä¾›æ¨¡å¡‘ç”¨çš„æ ‘è„‚æˆ–æ··åˆæ–™
(1) çƒå›ºæ€§å¡‘æ–™æˆåž‹æ—¶,指从模具完全é—åˆçš„瞬间到解除压力的瞬间所ç»è¿‡çš„时间.有时也指æ料熟化所需的时间;
(2) 在注射æˆåž‹ä¸æŒ‡å°†ç†”èžç‰©æ–™æ³¨å…¥æ¨¡å…·åŽåˆ°ä¿åŽ‹å®Œäº†çš„时间.
282.æ¨¡å¡‘åŽ‹åŠ›è¿«ä½¿æ¨¡å¡‘æ–™å®Œå…¨å……æ»¡æ¨¡è…”æ‰€æ–½åŠ çš„å¿…è¦çš„压力.ç”¨åŠ æ–™å®¤(ä¼ é€’æ¨¡å¡‘)或料ç’内(注射)的模塑料å•ä½æˆªé¢æ‰€å—的力,或者用模塑件在垂直于压力方å‘çš„å•ä½æˆªé¢(压制)上所å—的力用(公斤力/厘米2[帕]表示.
283模塑周期完æˆä¸€æ¬¡æˆåž‹æ‰€éœ€çš„全部æ“作(åŒ…æ‹¬åŠ æ–™,åŠ çƒ,硬化或熟化,脱模ç‰).有时也指这些æ“作所需时间的总和.
注:在设计模套,阴模或阳模时,应考虑能适用于å„ç§é˜´æ¨¡å’Œé˜³æ¨¡çš„æ ‡å‡†æ¨¡å¥—.
285 模制å“模塑件用模具æˆåž‹çš„塑料制件.
287 æœ¨è´¨ç´ æ ‘è„‚ä»¥æœ¨è´¨ç´ æˆ–ç”±æœ¨è´¨ç´ ä¸ºä¸»ä¸Žå…¶ä»–åŒ–åˆç‰©æˆ–æ ‘è„‚ååº”åˆ¶å¾—çš„æ ‘è„‚.
288.æœ¨è´¨ç´ å¡‘æ–™ä»¥æœ¨è´¨ç´ æ ‘è„‚ä¸ºåŸºæçš„å¡‘æ–™
230 å¼€å”泡沫塑料所å«æ³¡å”ç»å¤§å¤šæ•°éƒ½æ˜¯äº’相连通的泡沫塑料.
231 开裂制å“å—内应力,外部冲击或环境æ¡ä»¶ç‰çš„å½±å“而在其表é¢æˆ–内部所产生的裂纹.
232 开模力为了脱出制å“,æˆåž‹æœºåœ¨å¼€å¯æ¨¡å…·æ—¶æ‰€éœ€çš„力
233 æžé™ç”µå‰‚能防æ¢æˆ–消除塑料表é¢é™ç”µçš„物质.
234 抗霉性塑料对霉èŒçš„抵抗能力.
235 抗粘连剂开å£å‰‚能防æ¢å¡‘料薄膜间粘连的一ç§ç‰©è´¨.
236 ç³ é†›æ ‘è„‚ä»¥ç³ é†›ä¸ºä¸»ä¸Žå…¶ä»–åŒ–åˆç‰©åˆ¶å¾—的一ç§å‘‹å–ƒæ ‘è„‚.
237 抗氧剂能防æ¢èšåˆç‰©ææ–™å› æ°§åŒ–å¼•èµ·å˜è´¨çš„物质.
238 å¯æ¢æ¨¡è…”模具通过更æ¢ä¸€éƒ¨åˆ†æˆåž‹éƒ¨ä»¶èƒ½ç”Ÿäº§ä¸åŒå½¢çŠ¶åˆ¶å“的模具.
239 空隙(泡沫塑料ä¸)
240 (注塑机)空循环时间在ä¸åŠ 料的情况下,注塑机空转一个周期所需最少的æ“作时间.
241 å£æ¨¡(在挤出ä¸)
242 å£æ¨¡å†…压力挤出过程ä¸,熔èžç‰©æ–™åœ¨å£æ¨¡å†…表é¢äº§ç”Ÿçš„压力.
243 拉伸强度在拉伸试验ä¸,è¯•æ ·ç›´è‡³æ–裂为æ¢æ‰€å—的最大拉伸应力.其结果以公斤力/厘米2[帕]表示,计算时采用的é¢ç§¯æ˜¯æ–è£‚å¤„è¯•æ ·çš„åŽŸå§‹æˆªé¢ç§¯.
ä¸æŽ¨è:æŠ—å¼ å¼ºåº¦æŠ—æ‹‰å¼ºåº¦
244 è€åŒ–塑料暴露于自然或人工环境æ¡ä»¶ä¸‹æ€§èƒ½éšæ—¶é—´å˜å的现象.
245 冷辊å¼æŒ¤å‡ºå°†æŒ¤å‡ºè–„膜引至冷å´è¾Šè€Œä½¿å…¶å†·å´å’Œæ”¹å–„光泽的制膜方法.
246 冷æµé“模具cold-runner mould
247 冷å´å®šåž‹æ¨¡ä¸ºäº†æŽ§åˆ¶ç‰¹æ®Šåˆ¶ä»¶çš„尺寸和形状,在冷å´æ—¶ç”¨çš„一ç§å¤¹å…·.
ä¸æŽ¨è:防缩模(Shrinkage block)或防缩夹具(Shrinkage jig)
248 冷çƒéª¤å˜è¯•éªŒè€ƒå¯Ÿç”±æ€¥çƒéª¤å†·å¼•èµ·æ料性能å˜åŒ–的试验.
249 冷压模塑是压缩模塑的一ç§.和普通压缩模塑ä¸åŒçš„æ˜¯åœ¨å¸¸æ¸©ä¸‹ä½¿ç‰©æ–™åŠ åŽ‹æ¨¡å¡‘.脱模åŽçš„模塑å“å¯å†è¡ŒåŠ çƒæˆ–借助化å¦ä½œç”¨ä½¿å…¶ç†ŸåŒ–.
250 粒料一ç§é¢„测的密实的çƒå½¢,圆柱形或其他形状的颗粒状模塑料.
251 离模膨胀在挤出过程ä¸,挤出物离开模åŽ,其横截é¢å°ºå¯¸å› 弹性回å¤è€Œå¤§äºŽå£æ¨¡å°ºå¯¸çš„现象.
252 立体é‡å¤é“¾èŠ‚在èšåˆç‰©åˆ†å主链ä¸æ‰€æœ‰ç«‹ä½“异构的ä½ç½®ä¸Šéƒ½å…·æœ‰å›ºå®šæž„åž‹çš„æž„åž‹é‡å¤é“¾èŠ‚.
253 离心浇铸利用离心力æˆåž‹ç®¡çŠ¶æˆ–空心ç’状制å“的方法.将定é‡çš„液æ€æ ‘è„‚æˆ–æ ‘è„‚åˆ†æ•£ä½“æ”¾åœ¨æ—‹è½¬çš„(å³æ¨¡å…·)ä¸,使其绕å•è½´é«˜é€Ÿæ—‹è½¬.æ¤æ—¶æ”¾å…¥çš„物料å³è¢«ç¦»å¿ƒåŠ›è¿«ä½¿è€Œåˆ†å¸ƒåœ¨æ¨¡å…·çš„è¿‘å£éƒ¨ä½.在旋转的åŒæ—¶,放入的物料åˆé€šè¿‡åŠ çƒç‰æ–¹é¢è€Œå‘生熟化,éšåŽè§†éœ€è¦ç»è¿‡å†·å´æˆ–ä¸å†·å´å³èƒ½å–得制å“.在æˆåž‹å¢žå¼ºå¡‘料制å“时还å¯åŒæ—¶åŠ 入增强性的填料.
254 离ååž‹èšåˆ(作用)
一般在离å引å‘剂作用下,按离ååž‹å应历程进行的èšåˆ.æ ¹æ®ç¦»å电è·çš„ä¸åŒåˆ†æœ‰é˜³ç¦»åèšåˆå’Œé˜´ç¦»åèšåˆä¸¤ç§
255 离å引å‘剂能引å‘å•ä½“分å生æˆæ£ç¦»å基团或负离å基团进行èšåˆå应的物质.
256 料斗安装在æˆåž‹æœºä¸Šä¾›æ–™ç”¨çš„æ¼æ–—形容器.
257 链长èšåˆç‰©åˆ†å主链的实长.
258 è¿žæ†å¼åˆ(é”)模装置时节å¼åˆæ¨¡è£…ç½®æˆåž‹æœºä¸ç”¨æ¥å®Œæˆå¼€,é—æ¨¡åŠ¨ä½œçš„å’Œå¯¹æ¨¡å…·æ–½åŠ åŽ‹åŠ›çš„ä¸€ç§æœºæ¢°è£…ç½®.该装置是由肘å¼æŽ¥åˆè¿žæ†æž„æˆçš„,一般å‡ç”±æ²¹åŽ‹é©±åŠ¨.
259 链节èšåˆç‰©åˆ†å链上,å«ä¸ŽçœŸå®žå•ä½“或å‡æƒ³å•ä½“相åŒåŽŸåç§ç±»å’ŒåŽŸå数目的é‡å¤å•å…ƒ.
260 亮点有色或ä¸é€æ˜Žçš„çƒå¡‘料片æ,薄膜或模制å“上所å«æ²¡æœ‰å®Œå…¨å¡‘化的粒点,å½“å…¶åœ¨å¯¹å…‰è§‚å¯Ÿå¯¹å‘ˆçŽ°ä¸ºæ— è‰²çš„é€æ˜Žæ–‘点.
261 æµå»¶åˆ¶å–薄膜的一ç§æ–¹æ³•.åˆ¶é€ æ—¶,先将液æ€æ ‘è„‚,æ ‘è„‚æº¶æ¶²æˆ–åˆ†æ•£ä½“æµå¸ƒåœ¨åŠ¨è¡Œçš„载体(一般为金属带)上,éšåŽç”¨é€‚当方法将其熟化,最åŽå³å¯ä»Žè½½ä½“上剥å–薄膜.
263è •æ†æŒ‡è£…在挤出机或注塑机机ç’内å¯ä»¥è½¬åŠ¨ä¸”å¸¦æœ‰è •æ§½çš„é‡‘å±žæ†.它与机ç’å…±åŒç»„æˆæŒ¤åŽ‹éƒ¨ä»¶.其主è¦åŠŸèƒ½æ˜¯:完æˆå¯¹ç‰©æ–™çš„压缩,输é€,混炼åŠå¡‘化ç‰.
264è •æ†æŒ¤å‡ºå€ŸåŠ©äºŽè •æ†æ—‹è½¬å¯¹ç‰©æ–™äº§ç”Ÿçš„压力将其挤出å£æ¨¡çš„挤出方法.
267露ä¸å¢žå¼ºå¡‘料的一ç§ç¼ºé™·,指制å“表é¢æœªè¢«æ ‘脂覆盖的纤维.
268æ°¯ä¹™çƒ¯æ ‘è„‚ä»¥æ°¯ä¹™çƒ¯èšåˆæˆ–氯乙烯为主与一ç§æˆ–多ç§å…¶ä»–ä¸é¥±å’ŒåŒ–åˆç‰©å…±èšåˆ¶å¾—çš„èšåˆç‰©.