Scientists at the "Moscow Institute of Engineering Physics" at the Russian National Nuclear Research University have developed a new method for testing the limit of fuel strength in nuclear fuel pellets-"Russian-Brazil Test".
The strength limit is the basic quality index for the production of nuclear fuel using uranium dioxide powder. It is usually determined by testing samples that are tens of times larger than the nuclear fuel pellet, because the diameter and length of the nuclear fuel pellet itself does not exceed 6 mm to 8 mm. The strength limit cannot be determined.
The "Brazil test" is a test for compressing short flat cylinders. This method can perform tensile strength tests on rock samples with a diameter greater than 50 mm and a thickness between 0.2 mm and 0.75 mm.
Researcher Vladimir Golicev introduced that they tested the sample model material composed of cast iron and graphite and concluded that the "Brazil test" can be applied to the strength test of small-sized brittle material samples. Based on the test results, they proposed a new set of nuclear fuel strength calculation methods, and named it "Russian-Brazil Test".
The research results have been announced at the 16th "New Materials: Accident-tolerant Nuclear Fuel" International Academic Conference.
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