Is it necessary to have a primer on the wall?

The role of the primer is to close the wall and resist the alkaline material that the cement layer of the wall seeps out. The primer can also increase the hardness of the gray layer of the wall, and can also improve the adhesion of the topcoat, due to the primer coating the wall. The body is closed, preventing the wall from absorbing the top coat. The top coat stays on the surface, thus increasing the fullness of the finish.
Only in the extremely low-demand project renovation (such as whitewashing of walls or underground works), the use of primer is not considered due to price and use environment. The effect of home decoration is required by advanced decoration and the service life is relatively long. The cost can also be affordable, it is recommended to use a primer.

Keywords: Home decoration construction supervision

Three trees paint entrance decoration paint home decoration cement

Pole Line Fastener

Poleline Fastener

What is poleline fastener

poleline fastener-pole line hardware-thimble eye bolt, eye nut

The Poleline fastener, also known as a Poleline Hardware or poleline fitting,

poleline fastener is a device used to secure electrical power lines to utility poles or transmission towers.

Application of Poleline Fastener

Poleline fasteners is designed to provide strength, stability, and proper alignment for the power lines,ensuring pole line safe and reliable operation.

Poleline Hardware or Power line accessories , poleline fitting widely used in connecting, handling and holding various overhead line systems, insulators, wires, and other utilities.

Poleline fastener is an important component of the pole line construction.

Type of Poleline fastener for utility pole

According to the application, poleline fastener can be divided into Telecommunication pole hardware, Utility pole mounting hardware, Transmission and Tower hardware.

Yokelink Poleline Fastener

Yokelink supply a full line of Poleline Hardware,

We offer from the top of the pole to underground.

Double Arming bolt, Oval Eye bolt, MF Lock nut, Thimble Eyebolt, Poleline Fastener

Ningbo Yokelink Machinery Co.,Limited ,

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