Nowadays, network marketing is not new to building materials companies, but the understanding of network marketing by enterprises is still in the “primary stageâ€. Apart from the use of tools such as online advertising and keyword bidding, the use of the Internet is more The marketing still does not scale. In this regard, network marketing experts said that building materials companies in the online marketing field may wish to try to use some new means to quickly gain revenue in the marketing blue ocean.
Many Internet marketing veterans said in an interview with the author that building materials companies currently have relatively few attempts in online marketing, and it is precisely those marketing methods that have not been tried that often bring huge benefits to the company. For example, new tools such as forums, blogs, electronic publications, e-mails, videos, SNS, etc., are difficult to pack, but their response on the Internet is very strong.
In addition, building materials companies are still conservative in the selection of promotional media. Flat media, television, radio, and the Internet cannot be integrated into one and cannot achieve the effect of three-dimensional promotion. Most building materials companies did not form a scientific and systematic promotion system, which affected the effectiveness of corporate publicity.
Experts said that one of the failures of online marketing for building materials companies is that no company has come up with a clear-cut statement that “they have made themselves known to the public through some kind of internet marketing means†and have not seen it. Companies can openly express that "Internet marketing has helped them realize a 200% increase in sales." That is, network marketing has not yet been able to assume the core marketing of a company. It is no wonder that network marketing will encounter obstacles when landing.
With its powerful interactive advantages, online marketing makes it difficult for home building materials companies to ignore this new marketing model. However, the marketing staff of home building materials companies and even the experts of network marketing also stated that the research on the characteristics and shortcuts of online marketing is still in the development and exploration period. The means of network marketing are numerous and wide, and the accuracy of communication is rapid. Both have attracted the attention of various marketers. These people expect that online marketing will become the main marketing tool for home building materials companies in the future.