Hidden project is the most important and most problematic process in home decoration. No matter how much construction quality is high, if the material used is fake, the quality of the project is not guaranteed and there is a great potential safety hazard. What the owner did before All efforts may be turned into bubbles.
Below, we use the "Hongyan" brand pipeline and junction box as examples to explain how to identify genuine and fake products. Of course, your home may not be the brand of choice, but the principle is the same: In general, genuine goods are always "straight, thick, detailed" than fakes. Fake goods are always better than just trying to avoid buying fake goods. We must look at them more, compare them, and carefully distinguish them from the previous aspects.
Some fake geese pipes are produced from recycled materials, which means that the recycled plastic is regenerated. The tubes of recycled materials are relatively brittle and easily cracked by heavy pressure. Fake pipe with feet
Building materials tricky entrance decoration water heater brand home decoration
Sleek glass is hard to climb, making a glass pool fence one of our best options when it comes to safety and security as it will effectively prevent children and pets from entering the pool area. And when kids are using the pool, the completely transparent walls make it easy to keep an eye on them, even from outside the pool area. Pool fences save lives. Experts recommend installing a pool safety fence as the best way to protect young children from drowning. Glass pool fences are a modern safety solution to prevent tragic accidents without blocking your view. Our Tempered Glass will be made to meet pool fence design, thickness, size, even with holes.
At present, 12mm TOUGHENED GLASS be chosen more for pool fence panels, hight about 1200mm, width different based on customer's request. And now, some customers also choose Laminated Glass , even SGP laminated glass for pool fence in some special areas, all can be made to request.
So Clear Tempered Glass , Colored Tinted Tempered Glass, Ultra Clear Tempered Glass, Clear Laminated Glass , Colored Laminated Glass , Low Iron Laminated Glass and so on, can also be choice based on request.
Reference photos:
Swimming Pool Fence Glass,Toughened Glass For Pool Fence,12mm Tempered Pool Fence Glass
Shanghai Lead Glass Co.,Ltd , https://www.leadglaze.com