Correct dilution of pesticides

Recently, some farmers have found that the dilution method is not scientific when spraying pesticides on crops, resulting in poor spraying effect or causing phytotoxicity and even harm to the human body. The concentration of commercial pesticides is generally high. If using conventional methods of application, it must be diluted before use. When using commercial pesticides, depending on the type of pesticide, the target of the control and the type of crop, the temperature of the application, etc., different amounts of water or other diluents should be added to the medicament to reduce the concentration of the pesticide. Whether the pesticide is diluted correctly or not, There is a great relationship between efficacy and safe use. If there is too much water or other thinner, the concentration of the agent is too low, which will reduce the control effect; if too little water, the concentration of the agent is too high, it will cause phytotoxicity and poisoning accidents of humans and animals. Therefore, the pesticide should be strictly prepared when diluted. The concentration of pesticide diluted.
Before diluting the pesticide, carefully calculate and carefully measure the water consumption of the prepared mother liquor, then select the medical saline bottle with the capacity scale, put the pesticide into the bottle, inject the appropriate amount of water into the mother liquor, and then measure the dosage. When using a knapsack spray, you can perform a second dilution directly in the tank. The correct method is to add a small amount of water to the prepared dispensing container, then slowly pour the quantitative drug into the water, gently stir it with a wooden stick, and then add enough water to mix and use. If a large-area application is applied with a motorized sprayer, it can be diluted with a larger capacity. In the second dilution, it can be placed in the sprayer barrel for mixing and mixing.

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